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적은 해적 ~고양이들의 향연 ~완결작
Teki wa Kaizoku: Neko-tachi no Kyouen
敵は海賊 ~猫たちの饗宴~
최근수정 2021-04-04 16:30:04
랭킹: 10682위 -13 인기도: 3,370 프리미엄: 200 감정가: 2,247
모든 디비관리는 HELIX팀에게 도움을 받습니다.
타입 : OVA
화수 : 6
러닝타임 : 30분
등급 : None
방영일 : 1990.01.01
종영일 : 1990.03.01
장르 : 코미디,공상과학,소년
프로듀서 :  KittyFilms
홈페이지 : 

Apulo (a cat-like space alien with the ability to lock a human's emotions) and Latell work for the Division of Space Piracy (or DSP for short). The two of them are extremely destructive in their solving of DSP cases. They are attempting to stop Youmei the space pirate from exploiting Computer Aided Thinking for his own nefarious plans.

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